Humanity is currently at the forefront of a civilization-altering revolution, propelled by the limitless potential of digital technology. This shift is ushering in profound changes in human life and society, necessitating a new dimension of norms to safeguard universal values such as freedom, equality, and human dignity.
In light of this, we are committed to establishing a new digital order that ensures the universal entitlement to digital enjoyment, grounded in our respect for human dignity and worth. This undertaking envisions pursuing digital innovation alongside the international community to achieve a digital shared prosperity society, where everyone can equitably partake in its benefits.
With the aspiration to become a model digital nation, the Republic of Korea invites global citizens to unite in building a digital shared prosperity society. In this spirit, we hereby declare the following values and principles that humanity shall collaboratively embrace
The preamble consists of a total of 3 paragraphs of the
It contains the background of establishment, direction and goals, and proposals and declarations to the international community.
01The first paragraph describes
the background
to the establishment of the Charter.Recognizing that the development and spread of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud, and blockchain are fundamentally changing our lives and society, it emphasizes the need to establish a ‘new digital order’ to protect universal human values amid these changes.
02The second paragraph presents
the direction and goals of the Charter.It asserts that the 'new digital order' that our society will create in the future must be based on respect for human dignity and value and that the right of everyone to enjoy the benefits of innovation through digital technology, that is, the 'right to digital enjoyment', must be guaranteed as a universal human right. In addition, it presents the ideal digital society to be created through this Charter as a ‘digital shared prosperity society in which everyone pursues digital innovation and enjoys its benefits equally and fairly.’
03The third paragraph explains
the international significance
of the Charter.First, it declares the Republic of Korea's international roles and responsibilities as a 'digital exemplary country', leading digital innovation and doing its best to form global digital norms. Finally, it proposes the values and principles to which Korea will adhere in creating a digital shared prosperity society together with global citizens and the international community.